Enter in Init value

Quick question:

Is there a way I can enter in the Init. values instead of having the program role them?

Why? Well, my players are roll-alholics! So they really want to roll their own initiatives. This is fine, if I could enter them into TW somewhow.

Any ideas? Thanks. Smile

Hi there, With version 1.0,

Hi there,

With version 1.0, you can move the players up and down, but you'd need to figure out the sorting order. Now...

We're just about ready to setup the website with the new release. The new release includes many fixes and some new features. Especially, the ability to enter the Initiative manually (the computer still generates its own roll which you can overwrite.)

You can have a sneak peak at that dialog interface here:

Turn Watcher 1.1 Sneak Preview!

Our registered users will be sent an email as soon as the new version is available on our website! It should be within two weeks, three in the worth case scenario...

Happy gob. smashing!

Alexis Wilke
Made to Order Software
+1 (916) 988 1450

A small graphic marking the end of the paragraph

Cool on the new version.

Cool on the new version.
Having the other 2 saving throws and perhaps search and hide would be pretty cool as well for a future version. Even better would be to allow user made entries.
Anyway, thanks for the latest update, user entered inits made this a viable tool for me. Smile

-Jordan "AstroCat"

Alexis Wilke
Made to Order Software
+1 (916) 988 1450

A small graphic marking the end of the paragraph

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