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I'd like the ability to add a field, such as AC, conditions, that sort of thing. The program doesn't need to calculate anything for me. It would be nice if it recognized the various conditions and displayed a small pop-up on mouseover of the condition effects. Also, I believe that when you delay or ready an action, your initiative changes to be one higher than the next character. I'd like for the program to automatically change the initiative when you jump in. Finally, I'd like to be able to type in the initiative rolls that my players made and start the combat without the program re-rolling.
This guest has covered all
This guest has covered all the topics my own group raised when we tested this program on one of our sessions.
Alexis Wilke
Made to Order Software
+1 (916) 988 1450
Note that in the current
Note that in the current version (1.2) you can already let your players roll initiative (and you can roll for your monster's if you'd like).
We will have a better interface in the next version to handle the players initiative rolling...
Alexis Wilke
Made to Order Software
+1 (916) 988 1450
Another note, you will get
Another note, you will get effects handling in the next version... It will be capable of counting down and disappear once off.
Alexis Wilke
Made to Order Software
+1 (916) 988 1450
Just be sure not to make the
Just be sure not to make the interface clunky. What I like most about this program is that it is simple and easy to use. The Will save button isn't neccesary in my opinion, but an assignable field would be great. How about a assignable field with one of those small "down arrow"s next to it that allows you to choose different things to roll for. So you could have it normally set on d20 Search check, but you could click on the arrow and it would bring up a list of other assignable rolls you have created like Hide, Move Silently, Gather Info, Saves, whatever. I think this would keep the interface simple, but still provide extra usability.
I'd also like the option of having more than just "character" and "monster". What about "NPC" or "BBEG/Boss"? Can I import my own pics instead of the helmet pic for the PCs? (this isn't a big deal, but it might be kind of cool).
I'd like to be able to mouseover a monster or PC name and have it bring up a small window with info that I could type in (I would insert a statblock from the SRD or my own creation).
Just some ideas.
Alexis Wilke
Made to Order Software
+1 (916) 988 1450
Add Buttons
I would like to see colums (if needed on tabed pages) for all saves, skill checks, AC. I will think of others as I play with the program (used it for the first time this weekend playing the Demonweb Pits and it was useful....but, it would have been nice to have the above to prevent the "switching" back and forth from computer to manual all the time.)
I would really like the abilit to change the icon for each monster/character. This would make it much easier to determine exactly who was next in turn order.
Alexis Wilke
Made to Order Software
+1 (916) 988 1450
Top level !
Re: Top level !
Hi there, everything is public, there are not privileged access.
Alexis Wilke
Made to Order Software
+1 (916) 988 1450